Sunday, May 21, 2017

Cali Vacay

You know what? I am a California girl and I don't think that will ever change. 

I probably won't ever live in California again, but it is definitely one of my favorite places to be. I am on vacation currently and loving being back in California after almost three years. Three years is way too long to be away. I've spent quite a lot of time in the sun and at the beach. Goodness, salt water and sand sure does my body good.

My body needs this because I put it to good use last Monday. I hiked the Grand Canyon with some of my favorite people. About six years ago we all worked together at a hotel near the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. During that time we all got to hike from the North Rim to the South Rim in one day. So, we decided to have a reunion and hike the canyon again together. The trip started out smoothly, we all got up on time and made it out of the campsite at the time we had planned for. But then we got to the entrance of the park, and the gate was closed! It didn't open for two more hours, so before we even started our hike we were two hours behind. The hike was difficult but fun. We made pretty good time to Phantom Ranch (our mid-point), but then came the time to hike up, up up. That was when it really became challenging. We made it out of the canyon safely at about 12:30 AM. It was a long day and a long drive back to camp. I'll just say that my body is still recovering and I have been sleeping really well. Overall, I'm really proud of how I did on the hike. It helped me to see my strengths and weaknesses physically. Dad wants to hike the canyon in November, and I'll be aiming to do even better.

The only down-side to this amazing vacation in San Diego is that McKay had to stay home. Before this trip the longest we had been apart was one night. I have officially been away from my husband for 8 days. I miss waking up to his handsome face each morning. And I miss McKay hugs. We've been able to text here and there and talk every night, which is a huge blessing of modern technology. 

As much as I miss the love of my life, I feel proud of myself that I can take a vacation for and by myself. I love being paired with McKay in ever sense, but I have loved finding myself and doing things for myself the past few months. I love finding out who I am now. I can still be independent. I feel like I can't call McKay my other half. Although we do complement each other and in a sense "complete" each other, we are whole people, not just halves. I think I forgot that for a while. But I am loving finding me again. 

Other things I've done this week:
Beach, beach, and more beach
Kayaking with Jess
Ate delicious Cuban food
Found out what peroneal tendonitis is
Visited family
Played barbies with my sweet niece
Narrowly escaped the stomach flu
Boogie boarding at the beach
Made German Chocolate Cake for Dad's birthday (YUM)
Kristen's recipe

What I'm looking forward to this week:
Spending lots of time with my brother's kids
Possible zoo trip
A few more days in California
Seeing McKay on Wednesday night
My first pack meeting for the cubscouts
More beach time
Having fun with Mom and Grandma
Seeing my puppies again

Current Goals:
Finish re-reading Joseph Smith History
Start reading the Gospel Topic Essays
Heal my foot and get back to Crossfit
Start eating a ton of veggies
Improve my relationship with my Heavenly Father

Love you all!!!

Friday, May 12, 2017

A letter to Mom

Mother Dearest, 

I got to spend a good chunk of time with you this week. Monday, we went to the dog park with dad and had fun watching the dogs. Tuesday, Jessica and I got to help you paint your pretty purple wall. And today, Friday, I came up to your house to drop off my suitcase and ended up hanging out with you for a few hours. I love spending time with you, Mom. And I know everyone will claim their mom is the best there is, but let me tell you, everyone is wrong (except for Adam, Kristen, Larissa, and Jessica of course). Mom, you are the best there is! You raised me to be the woman I am and I don't know if I can ever fully thank you. You taught me to be independent, adventurous, crafty, kind, fun-loving, and so much more! It is so easy to laugh with you and laughing with you is one of my favorite things to do. 

Mom and I cracking up while she was trying to put my garter on

Everything I remember about my childhood is fun. You and Dad were amazing at making everything we did fun. I can distinctly go through my memories and hear you laughing through a lot of them because we were having fun. I remember laying on the floor in the t.v. room just giggling with you. You are just so much fun!

I remember one night when I was in high school, I was having a difficult time with the drama that a specific friend was causing. I was laying in bed crying and you came into my room and just hugged me. You didn't say anything else, you just knew that a hug was what I needed and it was the perfect fix. It felt like I was a little girl again and you had just kissed a boo-boo better. 

I'm sorry that I haven't always been as open with you as we would both have liked. I wish I had told you about my first kiss and been able to tell you details and giggle about it with you. I should have known that you would have been excited for me and not disappointed. 

I'm glad that I wasn't raised to hate getting dirty. You taught me that it's ok to play in the dirt sometimes. Especially on our camping and backpacking trips. I'm so grateful that I had someone to teach me the right way to squat to pee! When we hiked Pico Blanco and I slipped off a rock into the water, it was nice to be able to look at you and to see that it wasn't as horrible as I thought, I was just a little wet. I remember playing in the garden dirt and catching worms, it was so much fun! And then there are all the stories about your childhood; you are one tough cookie, and I am so happy that you helped me to be like you!

People that know you often tell me that I look like you. Don't worry, I'm not offended or upset at all! I am quite the opposite. You are beautiful and I hope I continue looking like you! Something I have often noticed and admired is a cute twinkle in your eyes. (I know that might sound corny, but I love it!) When you are happy, teasing, or mischievous that twinkle shows up and makes it obvious that you are having a good time! 

I know this letter is kind of all over the place, but I really just want to let you know that you were, and are, an amazing mom! You make life fun and I am so glad we live close to each other so we can see each other all the time! 

I love you Mom <3

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Family Time

Hello All!

 Can I just tell you how much I love my family? Of Course, my own little family. McKay is the best husband in the world for me. He always shows me and tells me how much he loves me. Which, by the way, is a lot! We have moments where I look at him and state, "You love me!" to which he replies, "Yes". And I pull a Star Wars moment and say "I know". I never doubt McKay's feelings for me. He helps me cook dinner, even though its not his favorite thing to do, because he knows I enjoy it. He supports and encourages me in all of my goals and will often make my goals his goals. We laugh together all the time. Basically he knows me so well and still loves me, and I know him so well and love him because he is fantastic!

I also love my in-laws and the family I grew up in. They are all wonderful people! Within the past two weeks I've felt surrounded by family and it is a great feeling. Larissa (my twin) came to Utah to visit with her family. It was time to give her new little boy, Quinn, his baby blessing. In the LDS church we give our infants a special blessing, usually including their name and blessings we feel Heavenly Father wants for them (read more here). So the family that could make it came for this special occasion. Adam was even able to fly into town for part of Larissa's visit. We had a big family dinner and just enjoyed everyone. Larissa and I got to go hiking together twice while she was here and the time together was just perfect. I love my twin!

I also got to see Carli this past week(Carli is McKay's brother's wife). She came into Utah for BYU's women's conference. She texted me a few weeks prior and told me she had never hiked the Y and wanted to do it with me. So on Thursday we met up and started up the mountain. It was one of the hottest days we've had here but we made it to the top of the Y. I had such a blast chatting and catching up with Carli! 

Family is so great and I am so glad to know that I can be with mine forever! I am so grateful that my parents were sealed for eternity in the temple so that I can be with them and my siblings for forever. And I am so grateful that McKay and I were able to be sealed in the temple for eternity. I love knowing that even after this life I will have my wonderful family with me. 

Love you all!