Alright, alright. So I say that I'll post more often and I don't...but once a month isn't terrible. I'll make no promises this time, but you will be hearing from me, even if it is just once a month.
Since my last post we have been so busy visiting family and friends! We went to Thai food with Parker and spent the evening chatting about how life throws curve balls, but is still so good. Tanner and Carli visited with their cute kiddos and McKay got worn out playing tag with the boys. I got to spend our birthday with Larissa when she and Josh brought their boys up for two weeks. I got to see my second mom, Sonnie, when she came to town for a few days after a reunion with her siblings. We had so much fun driving up American Fork Canyon, playing with puppies, eating good food, and just chatting. I planned a last minute get together with Vicky when she passed through Utah on her way to an Ed Sheeran concert. I had a quick roommate reunion at Mariah's wedding reception with her, Emma, and Brittani. And I ran into Bobbie at the Provo rec center and got to meet her adorable little girl. I'm sure I've missed some, we've seen so many people! It has been busy, but so so enjoyable! We love seeing family and friends that we haven't seen in a while. We wish we could see them all more often.
We've also moved in the past month. Our lease with our apartment was up and we aren't quite ready to sign another year-long lease. McKay is still working with ResNexus, but is definitely working on sending out his resume. Since a new job might move us to a new location we needed a temporary home (cue Carrie Underwood ;) ). So we are living with my parents for a month or two while we figure that out. The move was surprisingly easy and low stress. Mom and Jessica came one day and helped pack the bulk of the living room and kitchen. I spent the next week or so packing a few boxes every day. We had plenty people come to help us load our moving truck to move everything to our storage unit and then we took everything else to our new home/bedroom. Thank you everyone for making it go so smoothly! We are enjoying out temporary home.
Here's a quick run down of things I've thought about but won't take up a whole paragraph by themselves. McKay and I want to plan a trip to hike Timpanogos (hike up, camp, see sunrise, hike down). We're not quite in amazing shape, so we're preparing. I'm most likely going on a overseas trip with Jessica this fall. Not quite sure where or when just yet, but advice and suggestions are welcome (especially how to do it cheap). I really want to come visit Rexburg/Idaho Falls this fall too. Idaho friends, when works for you guys? Since we moved I had to leave my crossfit gym. I miss it so much! But Mom and I have been going to the gym together and getting in a pretty good workout. And, I think thats about it...
Oh yah, McKay and I learned a song together. He plays it on ukulele (ook-oo-le-le Parker) and I sing. It's a cute lullaby originally sang by Brandi Carlile. The video is posted below. Don't judge the imperfectness, we just threw it together.
Yes, it's true. :)