Monday, February 13, 2017

Slightly Uneventful Week

Another week, another tale. But not really. This week was uneventful.

McKay and I started a program called Paleo Restart. It has great reviews and we were excited. The Paleo diet has you eat a lot of whole, unprocessed foods. We've really loved how we've felt in the past while we've been eating paleo. So we started this program to help us get into it so we could make it a lifestyle, and not just a "for now" diet. It's been really good. Yummy food, easy recipes. It is expensive though. I mentioned to Shae that my grocery shopping trip was expensive and she told me an interesting fact. Shae said that in the US we spend less on food than any other country in the world. We don't buy quality food. We eat McDonald's. I think I just need to get use to just spending more on higher quality food. One of the most interesting meals we had this week was Saturday's breakfast. It was an egg and smoked salmon open-faced sandwich on a slice of apple. So, from bottom to top: slice of granny smith apple, slice of smoked salmon, scrambled eggs with chives. It was an interesting combination. Better than I thought it would be though. We probably will have to pause our Paleo Restart though...

I worked on taxes this week. 
It always feels like such a surprise as you work on taxes and watch numbers add up. In our case this year, we were given a tax penalty because neither of us had qualifying health insurance for a good chunk of the year. It's a bummer, but we have a possible consult with an accountant that might help us figure things out a little. The penalty could be worse, and if the accountant can't figure anything out for us we will be fine financially. It's just a little stressful when we have been trying really hard to stick to our budget and then a bill pops out when we were not expecting it. We are so grateful for McKay's job that allows us to pay for those surprise costs. 

I also feel like we have definitely been blessed throughout our marriage because we pay tithing. I am amazed when I realize how much we have been blessed because of the law of tithing. The blessings always come through and are always there waiting for just the time when we need them. God is good.

Good new! I recently got some blood work results back. My thyroid is currently at a normal range. This is exciting for us. Bad news: we're pretty sure the medication I am on to fix my thyroid level has caused me to be a crazy lady! I feel bad for McKay because it's like I am constantly PMSing. I've never suffered from very bad PMS, but man, this medication is making up for that! I often feel angry and mean. Back to good news: since realizing the probable cause I've been able to be more myself. I don't know how that works, but I am grateful to feel like myself again. 

The last week or two have been a little difficult emotionally. For those who don't know, we are dealing with infertility. We have now been trying to get pregnant for three years. No luck. But, I do get to count so many blessings when I'm feeling down about this. 
            1. My thyroid level is normal
            2. I'm feeling more like me
            3. I have two really cute puppies
            4. My hubby is hott
            5. I'm losing weight
            6. Despite the weight I'm at, my body can do hard things
            7. Most of my family lives nearby
            8. I will be blessed with a new nephew in the next week or two
            9. McKay has a great job that he enjoys
            10. I have some great friends who send me cards and postcards just when I need them
            11. McKay thinks I am beautiful
            12. We get to have a sorta vacation for Valentine's Day
            13. God loves me

There are so many more blessings, those are just a few I'm thinking about today. 

We got to play tourist on Saturday with Chan and Shae. We all visited the Springville Art Museum. It was a ton bigger than I thought it would be. And pretty darn fun! I'm sure we all got completely different levels of enjoyment from it. I know next to nothing about art and Shae is an amazing artist. I think we had a pretty good range haha. 

Things I'm working on right now:
30 days of no makeup (currently on day 7)
Losing 20 more pounds
Getting ready to hike the Grand Canyon Rim-to-Rim in May
Using less social media
Growing my hair out
Reading a ton
Learning about Doulas

I've had a request to include an update of our dogs. We have a spunky mini schnauzer named Scout and a cute goldendoodle named Swede. They are best buds. Scout will be two years old in June and Swede is five months old now. Scout is so smart! She reads us and I swear she understands every word we say. Swede is just the sweetest thing ever, such a great companion dog. She always is up for a snuggle unless she is running after Scout.

Until next week!<3


  1. That's great that you can still recognize all your blessings in the midst of all that is going on around you, and what wonderful blessings they are!! I have been trying to sit down and actually write out what blessings I receive each day. And I love your goals. I've never been good at setting goals. It's a wonder that I accomplish anything :-) I hope you guys had/have a fun Valentine's "vacation".

  2. I love your blog posts! I didn't know that about your tax penalty. What a bummer! I hope it works out ok. And those pictures of the puppies are sooo cute!

  3. Taxes, pssshhh. Who needs 'em. Did you end up having to pay that penalty?
